Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Major construction is done!

After discovering that the Sanguino wiring pinout’s is different then my adaptation of the Arduino wiring; it was time to rewire my setup and see if I could true out the alignment of the Z stage more. (Note: The RepRap web site now shows the correct documentation, I was doing my construction during the transition phase.)

When the new Sanguino motherboard becomes available I will switch over to it, though I think at that point in time I will populate my breakout board and motherboard with components so I have a unit for my nieces and nephews to play with.

Here are the pictures of the main wiring on the Sanguino breakout board/shield.

From ExMrClean

Stepper Motor boards on the other side and bottom.

From ExMrClean

The current plan is to try and mill the Darwin mount base and extruder feeder parts like nophead did for HydraRaptor.

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